Friday, May 21, 2010

Read through the Bible three times a year.

For many years, I have used a one-year Bible reading plan. I've done a number of them, but my favorite was a chronological plan dividing the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, in the order in which the events occurred. There are other chronological plans for reading through in the order the books were written, or reading chronologically from both the Old Testament and the New Testament simultaneously, but I really enjoyed starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation, reading the applicable psalm or prophet while I read through the historical books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles.

Reading straight through the Bible gives you a good sense of the Bible as an entire book, cohesive from start to finish. It boosts your understanding of God's plan and puts everything in context. Unfortunately, I tossed my favorite plan when I started the Old Testament/New Testament type of chronological plan, and I foolishly never saved a copy to the computer.

This year, Peter decided that he wanted to try B90X. We began in January. He finished, I didn't. At present, my goal is just to finish a day ahead of Peter on his second time through. I consistently only have time for 10 pages of the Bible a day, not 12, so I get discouraged and occasionally I skip days. That really messes me up, so I decided to create my own 120 day plan. My Bible is 1196 pages—easy to divide, and I ended up with very few split chapters.

I am happy with it, though eventually I hope to put the psalms and prophets in their correct places in the historical narrative.

You can download it here. Happy reading!