Monday, May 11, 2009

And the Winner is...

...Bug-Eyed Bob.

We also had a lot of votes over at a message board I frequent. My favorite vote was this one:
I feel very badly for half-eaten Harry because he's gotten no votes at all and he is obviously a true victim of someone's lack of pancake control. Since we can't judge a book by its cover, I don't feel that we can judge him by his outward appearance. Furthermore, he must be the tastiest one of all. So Harry, you have my vote!
My second favorite comment was this one: dh [dear husband's] name is Bob, looks just like him.
But the one *I* like best is Curly Chris because he's such a cheerful little person, just like the sweetie who made him.

Thanks for your participation!


The Animator's Wife said...

Oh, I never did vote. I couldn't make up my mind-- just got too hungry when I looked and wandered off in search of pancakes (half-eaten or not).

Did have some of Steve's waffles yesterday though so I'm better.

Congrats to Chris and his creator.

Susan said...

Ha! :-) I've been enjoying your blog tremendously, BTW....